Troubleshooting the "Uploaded File Exceeds the Upload_Max_Filesize Directive in php.ini" Error

If you've ever attempted to upload files to a website but received the error "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini," rest assured that you're not the only one. Fear not; we are here to help you through the process of diagnosing and fixing this problem. This typical problem may be a little annoying. In this post, we'll analyze the error's sources, define it, and provide step-by-step instructions for fixing it so that your file uploads function normally once again.

Understanding the Error

If you see the error message "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini," it signifies that the file you are attempting to upload is greater than the maximum size permitted as set in the "php.ini" configuration file. A setting in the widely used programming language PHP for web development limits the number of files that may be uploaded to a server. This option is referred to as "upload_max_filesize."

Causes of the Error

This mistake may be caused by several circumstances, including:

  • Default Configuration: On occasion, the hosting server's "upload_max_filesize" number may be lower than your real needs and be set by default in the "php.ini" file.

  • Limitations for Shared Hosting: To guarantee equitable resource distribution among different users, the hosting company may place limits on the number of files that you may upload if you are on a shared hosting plan.

  • Incorrect Changes: Users sometimes make incorrect changes to the "php.ini" file's "upload_max_filesize" value, which may result in syntax issues and the inability to upload files.

  • Incorrect Server Configuration: Incorrect server configuration may prevent modifications to the "php.ini" file from being recognized, resulting in the default value continuing to be used.

Steps for Troubleshooting

Let's go through how to resolve the issue "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" step by step:

Step 1: Determine the issue

Make sure the problem is due to the "upload_max_filesize" directive before making any modifications. Check the error message once again to make sure that this specific problem is mentioned there.

Step 2: Find the php.ini File

On your server, look for the "php.ini" configuration file. It is often located in the root directory or in a directory with the names "conf" or "etc."

Step 3: Make a backup of the php.ini file

Make a backup of the "php.ini" file before making any changes. This makes sure that if anything goes wrong throughout the procedure, you may go back to the previous setup.

Step 4: Modify upload_max_filesize

Use a text editor to open the "php.ini" file and look for the line that defines "upload_max_filesize." To set the desired file size, edit this line. Use the following line, for instance, to enable a maximum upload size of 20MB:

upload_max_filesize = 20M

Step 5: Adjust post_max_size as necessary.

Additionally, verify the "php.ini" file's "post_max_size" directive. To fit the complete HTTP POST request, it should be bigger than "upload_max_filesize."

Step 6: Save and Restart

To make the edits effective, save the changes to the "php.ini" file and restart your web server. This step makes sure the modifications take effect.


It might be frustrating to get the "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" issue, but with the appropriate information and actions, it's a challenge that can be simply cleared. You may smoothly restart uploading files to your website by modifying the "upload_max_filesize" directive and taking other pertinent parameters into account. To prevent any possible problems, always double-check your edits and preserve a backup of your configuration file. Enjoy your file uploads!